Avrae is an amazing Discord Bot, which we use in Fight Club to facilitate a few things. Mainly, dice rolling and the SRD look-up tool. The bot has quite a few advanced features, most of which aren't used in Fight Club currently (but may be in the future).
Common Dice Bot Commands
`!r xdy`
`!r xdy+xdy` Roll multiple sets of dice together.
`!r XdYkhZ` = `k`(keep) `hZ`(highest Z numbers)
`!rr Z xdy` Roll multiple sets
`!r 4d6mi2[fire]` Elemental Adept, Fire - `mi2` (minimum dice roll = 2)
`!r 4d6ro<3` Great Weapon Master - `ro<3` (reroll anything less than 3)
`!rr 6 4d6kh3` Starting Stats - `rr 6` (roll 6 sets of dice), `kh3` (keep the highest 3 rolls)
`!rr 6 4d6kh3ro<2` Heroic Starting Stats - `rr 6` (roll 6 sets of dice), `kh3` (keep the highest 3 rolls), `ro<2' (reroll 1's)
Supported Operators:
`k` (keep)
`ro` (reroll once)
`mi/ma` (min/max result)
`e` (explode dice of value)
`ra` (reroll and add)
`+/-z` Add or subtract a modifier
`adv` Roll with Advantage
`dis` Roll with Disadvantage
`[damage type]` Will display the damage type
Supported Selectors:
`lX` (lowest X)
`hX` (highest X)
`>X/<X` (greater than or less than X)
Bot Character Generation
If you'd like to use Avrae to generate random stats or create a character, you can use the following commands:
`!makechar X` - Gives you stats for an Xth level 5e character. Ex: `!makechar 1` -- Creates a 1st level character.
`!randchar X` - Makes a random Xth level 5e character.
`!randname` - Generates a random name, as per DMG rules
**Note !!!** Characters created with the bot are not saved to your user with Sheet Manager. The Avrae Bot will instead send you a group of messages with all the character's details. Characters created this way are not compatible with the Initiative Tracker (Initiative Tracker and Sheet Manager are not used in Fight Club...yet). This information can, however, be used to fill out a 3rd party character sheet.
For more in depth information about Avrae, you can visit their website here.
If you have questions about how the bot works, I'd recommend joining the support server for it and asking there:
Avrae Support Server
If you find a bug, you can use the command `!bug` to report it to the developer, too.
SRD Look Up Tool
Avrae can look up the following with the command `!<category_name> <target_name>` name such as `!monster goblin` or `!spell haste`:
`!background` - Looks up a background.
`!class` - Looks up a class, or all features of a certain level.
`!classfeat` - Looks up a class feature.
`!condition` - Looks up a condition.
`!feat` - Looks up a feat.
`!item` - Looks up an item.
`!monster` - Looks up a monster.
`!race` - Looks up a race.
`!racefeat` - Looks up a racial feature.
`!rule` - Looks up a rule.
`!spell` - Looks up a spell.
`!token` - Shows a token for a monster. May not support all monsters.