Bosses and Refs are here to watch fights and make sure they’re fair. Playing the role of DM. We’re also available to answer any and all questions you may have about Fight Club.
Whenever there is a fight going down, there needs to be at least one Boss or Ref present that isn’t participating in the fight. Just to keep everything fare.
Managing fights - Keeping track of:
player AC for hits/misses
player positioning (updating with a message when people move, Etc…)
any spells or other conditions (how long a player is affected, and what mechanical effect does that have on the player)
Bosses - @Fight Club Bosses
The Bosses run the show. We’re the ones that came up with all these rules, and ultimately determine what changes are made (if and when an issue comes up).
We also run the Boss Fights and Raid Boss Fights.
Current Bosses:
@Spelunking Mummies
@Abraxos the Venerated
@Luin the Aware
Refs - @FC - Officials
Refs are available to adjudicate fights, and answer questions same as the bosses.
Refs are able to make Raid Bosses (coming soon).
Current Refs:
@The Kind GM
Want to be a Ref? Let us know your DM’ing background, and we will set you up on a probationary period.